Who We Are and What We Do
Hello, My name is Josh and I look forward to meeting you in the future. My family started Drop Swap Oil with the sole purpose of turning a confusing and time wasting task, into a clear, precise routine that can be accomplished without even leaving your home or office. No more wasting a Saturday at the oil change station when you could be hanging out with family, surrendering your car to the dealership with an unknown outcome or jamming in a service at your lunch break with your food on your lap. We are on a mission to disrupt the old ways and clear a path for a cleaner, more efficient and convenient way of having your vehicles serviced.
Drop Swap Oil is a service company at its core. We perform routine service like engine oil, air and cabin filter changes, wiper blade replacements, windshield treatments and in some cases we will even go outside our normal scope and change bulbs and batteries in your vehicles. We try to enhance your experience by operating in the shadows. We are always improving or changing the way things are done to improve the experience for you. We are set up to book online, meet the tech once to hand over the keys and once more to return them. However if you want to hang out and watch us work, we welcome that as well!
The Problem With Modern Oil Service
Quick-lubes, they are built for speed but do not incorporate any new technology. They over sell add ons and under value you as a customer. Hang signs that say 10 minute oil change but do not take into account the 45 minute lines you wait to get your car in for service. This was a great model 20 years ago when a car pulled in every 30 minutes allowing for time to get the car serviced and on their way. These days people have only a few times of day available for an oil change, why do you think the wait is so long? Everyone is in the same situation as you. In the last 15 years they have started asking you to stay in your car, have you ever done the math on how much time you spend in your car? I don't know about you but i do not want to be in my car any more then i need to. Customer Service and client retention, you as a customer do not want to keep track of servicing your car. Why is there not a better follow up or scheduling procedure? This alone would save YOUR time, but this is not their concern. If it was; you would have a scheduled drive through that would have you in and out in 10-20 minutes.
Dealerships operate on fear and hold your car hostage. I am not saying there is not a place for them. They are a necessary evil and should have a service department for warranty work and major repairs. After all roughly 30% of their profits come from other (add on) sales such as servicing your car. Every dealership I have visited for service asks me to drop off my car in the morning and wait for a call from my service representative. It could take all day or in some cases several days and this is very frustrating. Very rarely have I not received a call asking me to approve some other small service. Fear, this is my favorite lie by far that people like you and me are convinced of. You are required to have your car serviced at the dealership to maintain the warranty. This is not a true statement, and if you ask them they might tell you the truth. You do however have to keep records of the services you get on your vehicle. It is a real pain but you must properly maintain the vehicle to keep it under the manufacturer's warranty. For more on this click the links at Federal Trade commission .

Our Solution is Our Mission
Providing effective, clean and efficient vehicle service for all clients, where they are, On their time.
Drop Swap oil is on a mission to set every car/car owner up for the service they deserve. A service that gives them back time, without hindering them financially. A service that is clean and precise and can be done on location anywhere. A service that is going to focus on your best interest and not sales.
When you elect to do your first service with us, we will ask you to be part of the D.S.O. Family. The cost of this is $35.00, this is to purchase the specialized oil plug and install it on your car. This plug allows us to connect, and pull the oil out of your car. Once complete, we hook our fresh oil hose to your car and fill it back up. All without a drop spilled, or the risk of human error on clean up. During this process we will replace your oil filter and check your other levels and filters on your car. To encourage you to join our family, we offer a heavy incentive on the second oil change of $15.00. Every oil change following those two you get $10.00 off. After the first 12 months of using us you are pretty much reimbursed your initial $35.00 and you still get your ongoing discount.

Hello! My name is Josh Ready and I am the owner of Drop Swap Oil LLC. We are a family owned and operated business based and built right here in Middle Tennessee. My wife Renee and I relocated here both for a fresh start in our lives and to raise our son Wyatt in a family-oriented community of people just like us. This community holds the same values we do: a reverence for God, Family and Country.
Shortly after we moved here, my parents followed suit. My father Richard has been an invaluable piece in the creation of this company, he has even earned the prestigious title of Chief Operating Mechanic, or COM for short. He and his wife Tanna, my mother, have been such a blessing to us in this process and a critical role in the launching of this company, we couldn’t do it without them.
The original idea for a mobile oil change company came from my brother-in-law Christian. He and his wife (my sister) moved here recently as well. Now that we are bringing it to life we have assigned Christian the role of CFO and he has invested in the company as well. It’s a great joy to be working with him side-by-side after spending over 10 years living in separate parts of the country.
All of us at Drop Swap Oil look forward to making Middle Tennessee home, and helping this community grow and flourish like we know it can. We also look forward to meeting you, our customers and friends, to help you gain back a bit of that time you’d otherwise lose at a car dealership or oil change station, time to spend with family, or working on the garden or being with friends. We’re here for you, and we always will be.